Since the introduction of the EU2015/58 rule, commonly called “mother regulation”, even towed vehicles started installing dual-line braking systems, such trend raised the necessity to connect those tractor still present and working on field, but provided of a single-line hydraulic brake system, to trailer provided of dual-line system
The R&D technical team designed and projected the device, supported by the important presence of Mr. Eronne Mamei and with the project management of M. Collavini. Such device allows single-line tractors to tow all those new generation trailers equipped with dual-line system.
The H1L-H2L device, for which we received the “Technical Innovation Award Eima 20-21”, preserves and grants all performance and safety features such system would have if connected to a dual-line tractor. Some of this features are: the unlocking of the automatic trailer brake; the service brake command; the automatic trailer brake engaging in case of trailer disconnecting from tractor; the automatic trailer brake engaging in case of tractor parking brake activation; the automatic trailer brake engaging in case the tractor’s engine turns off.
As Safim we believe the device represents a further step in terms of safety, completing the process ruling all the coupling between tractors and towed vehicles having different hydraulic braking system; we really express our thanks to the availability of company Bertoni Green Technology assisting our technical staff during the important tests with their vehicles.