The 2nd release of the Sustainability Report of Safim for the year 2019 is now available. What does the document represent? How has it been created? What’s the purpose? Let’s discover it together.
In 1997 the Global Reporting Institute of Boston draw the first guidelines of the Sustainability Report; the document means to underline the actions of a company in relation to its Mission, its Values and to its inspiring principles, further to notice the performances of a company from the point of view of the social and environmental commitment.
The document is aimed at stakeholders, this includes all persons that might influence or that might be influenced by the activities of a company in terms of policies, products, processes. The subjects are therefore represented by shareholders, workers, customers and suppliers, institutions, local communities, banks and trade unions. Thus Sustainability Report addresses to all those people and institutions as far as it describes the impact the company has on the territory and to the persons with which it is strictly connected.
This is how aspects like the exploitation of environmental resources and the environment preservation, the workers focused policies and the distribution of suppliers on the territory, represents some important parameters contributing to report both ethical and environmental policies of the company.
All the above information are reported in the section “Rendicontazione” [Reporting] of the 2019 Sustainability Report that we invite you to browse through the link here below. [Up to now only Italian version is available]