The introduction of new higher Standards included in the regulation EU2015/68, which highlights the innovative hydraulic dual-line system for agricultural vehicles, even included some requirements that most of the national rules did not take into account before. One of the most relevant aspects deals with the automatic emergency brake, which allows the trailer to stop if it accidentally disconnects from tractor.
Easy to understand how an accidental disconnection could endanger the operator or even people in the surroundings, nonetheless objects and the vehicles itself, if not able to either stop the inertial movement, in case it is full or empty loaded.
The automatic emergency brake avoids all potential dangerous situations, or it reduce them at the minimum. The rule clearly specifies how the emergency brake has to be included in the braking system, and it even prescribes the minimum performances range that the system shall have, in order to stop in a reasonable space and with the utmost reliability the towed vehicle once it uncouples.
Safim designs and manufactures hydraulic brakes systems able to meet all safety standards introduced by the latest international rules. The company does not only manufactures components, but also starts its role by analysing the needs of the customers in order to suggest the most tailored solution possible. Furthermore, it provides for brake performances calculations by means of a proprietary software developed by the company itself, ensuring the respect of the rules requirements. Finally yet importantly, Safim supports the customers during the homologation procedures and event.
Two are the solutions presented on the market and compliant to the EU2015/68 regulation. One it includes an electrical connection to the tractor, while the second is a purely mechanical solution. Here follows some further information:
With AS-Accumulator System solution, the oil, contained in the accumulator, flows to the cylinders, which materially provide for the vehicle braking. It is the lowering of the SL-supplementary line pressure, which gives start to the automatic emergency brake; in fact, the valve detects the pressure lowering and, we may say it connects the accumulator with the cylinders. In order to remove the automatic emergency brake function, having then the chance to move the vehicle or return in “normal” condition, the operator may act both manually or automatically. In those cases, the trailer disconnected from the tractor has to be moved, by means of a manual pump, acting on the lever, the oil back returns to the. On the contrary, if the trailer and the dual-line tractor will be connected together again, the automatic emergency brake removes automatically. The AS-Accumulator System is provided by an electrical connection. Such connection is compulsory and even ruled by the EU2015/68, as far as in event the pressure inside the accumulator is not sufficient to apply the automatic emergency brake function, a visual alarm is given to the operator as a further level of safety.
With the CTS – Cylinders with Tank System solution the action of the strong springs contained in the SAHR cylinders ensures the automatic brake function. If the trailer disconnects, the SL line and the tank enter into contact letting the oil contained in the cylinders discharge in the tank. This allows the emergency brake activation, as far as the oil pressure no longer compresses the springs of the cylinders. In those cases the trailer is disconnected from the tractor but yet has to be moved, a manual pump conveys the oil to the cylinders compressing again the springs. On the contrary, if the trailer and the dual-line tractor will be connected together again, the automatic emergency brake removes automatically. The CTS system does not need any electrical connection to the tractor, since it is a purely mechanical system; furthermore, the automatic brake function has the double role of parking brake and emergency brake. Safim supports each customer choosing the right number and size of SAHR cylinders to comply with the parameters and the safety measures of the regulation.