Orienting the choice to a dual-line hydraulic system brings effective advantages to the combination of tractor and towed vehicles. We can mainly list them in three points: market, safety and performances.
Market competitiveness: since the homologation is valid for all the countries adopting the regulation EU2013/167 and EU2015/68, the manufacturers of towed vehicles can easily handle their European sales without any further homologation. Such advantages brings an opportunity to widen their market share avoiding further costs.
Higher and new safety standards: the dual-line braking system is, in fact, safer, as because the rules introduces new safety requirements, which previously did not existed. One of the most remarkable aspects is the automatic emergency brake, which enable the towed vehicle to stop in the event of accidental disconnection from the tractor. Another important aspect concerns the automatic load-sensing valve. This valve enables the modulation of the braking power depending on the load of the vehicle, which means the braking of the vehicles is always safe. As a secondary effect, this lead to a lower tyres consumption, meaning an economic advantage too.
Performances: As per the new European regulation, the payload and speed of a vehicle are superior to those allowed by most of the rules previously in force. This means more attractiveness to the end users, as the vehicles may assume a wider range of use. Secondly, in each load condition the tractor and the towed vehicles have the utmost compatibility, meaning they have a substantial and total harmonization of the braking condition, minimizing the differences between tractor and trailer brake efforts and reducing the mutual interactions between the two vehicles during braking.